Jason and Hanna – A Laidback Celebration at Park Farm
Hello heatwavers! Hope you’ve made it through the week so far and not melted into a puddle yet, because I’ve got a beautiful wedding to tell you all about today. Lovely Jason and Hanna were married at Park Farm in Northamptonshire, one of my favourite local venues.
Not only is Park Farm fantastic because the venue is really picturesque, and set in the rural Shuckburgh Hall estate on the border of Warwickshire and Northamptonshire, but it’s also top of my list because the team that runs it is so incredibly friendly. Every wedding I’ve been to at Park Farm has had such a relaxed vibe, the guys there really make everything look easy and seamless. I always know a Park Farm wedding is going to be a good day, and once I’d met Jason and Hanna over Zoom I was sure that was definitely going to be the case again this time.
I got on with Jason and Hanna so well – in fact we spent most of the Zoom call chatting about places we’d travelled to and sights we’d seen all over the world. A perfect wedding for me would be very similar to the one that Jason and Hanna had organized for themselves – chill and full of fun!
On the day of the wedding, Hanna had arranged to get ready with her sister and her mum, to spend a bit of quiet relaxation time with them before all the activity of the day was underway. Leaving them with a camera so that they could take some footage for my Vlog My Wedding service, I took the opportunity to take some pictures of guests arriving at Park Farm, and Jason meeting and greeting their guests and fellow travellers.
My eye was especially caught at this point by the enormous array of cakes Hanna and Jason had brought together, all made by friends and family – it was enough to rival Bake Off, for sure! This was the first ceremony that the team at Park Farm had held in their newly prepared outdoor area, and the weather outside was absolutely glorious. With plenty of sunshine, freshly baked cakes, and loads of good cheer, the day was off to a fabulous start.
Hanna and Jason approached the day with totally different levels of nervousness – Jason seemed to be taking everything in his stride while Hanna’s nerves were a little closer to the surface. That’s often the case with the wedding couples I meet, but the lovely thing on this occasion was that as Hanna approached down the aisle, she and Jason exchanged a few reassuring gestures and whispered words which seemed to really help her relax a little. It can be such a nerve wracking moment to be the centre of all that attention, but Hanna and Jason handled it admirably together.
Following the formal proceedings, Hanna and Jason had wanted to make sure that the rest of the day felt as informal as possible, and they’d really succeeded in creating that relaxed vibe for all of their wedding guests. The cocktails flowed, and went down an absolute treat in the blazing warm sunshine, before it was time for some food. Now when I say ‘barbecue’, what you’re going to imagine can’t do this food justice – there was not a chewy burger or a blackened sausage in sight. It was some of the most delicious, fresh barbecue food I’ve ever tasted, and both the style of food and the way it was served meant that the relaxed atmosphere continued. There were no place settings, just plenty of comfy places for people to sit, inside Park Farm’s barns or out in their lovely grounds, and lots of laughter as Hanna and Jason caught up with all their guests. Some outdoor games had been provided to keep everyone entertained – my personal favourite being the welly wanging – and a healthy spirit of competition blossomed alongside the drinks!
As the evening continued, Jason decided to kick off the baking competition and get stuck into some cake! Hanna’s dad, a former chef, took the honoured position of Head Judge, while I tried to balance a camera and a cake plate at all times (no easy feat). As the winners were announced, some members of the bridal party took the opportunity to say a few words of tribute and celebration.
As the evening wore on and the guests dodged a few brief rainshowers, it was wonderful to see how the atmosphere that Hanna and Jason had created made for such a relaxing day. Every guest had a smile on their face – a perfect end to another memorable Park Far